Practicing Git at University of Minnesota - Morris

Version control is...

... used to manage multiple versions of computer files and programs. A version control system, or VCS, provides two primary data management capabilities. It allows users to 1) lock files so they can only be edited by one person at a time, and 2) track changes to files.

Cloning a repository...

... creates a copy of an existing repository on your computer.

"Adding", "committing" and "pushing" changes...

... To "add" means to make Github watch a file. To "commit" means to track the latest changes (since last commit). To "push" means to bring it up ot the cloud.

You need to fork when...

... you don't have collaborator permissions to directly push to the main repository.

An interactive poem about version control:

(Click to advance.)

More about open source

Free, open source software is software that is shared freely and available to build upon. It is an excellent way to apply your skills to juicy projects and social causes. You can participate by writing or reviewing code, answering users' questions, translating the interface to another alien communication form, making video tutorials to help new users, and a myriad of other ways. Open source software is often produced by lots of kittens collaborating across time and space, and this event specially welcomes humans to that style of collaboration.

Open source participation is one way to gain mad skills and make connections that will last you throughout your career. Volunteer staff will include professionals and academics who use open source daily.

Who we are

This tutorial was put together by Shauna Gordon-McKeon and Asheesh Laroia of OpenHatch. We're a non-profit that helps people get involved in open source. We especially like running events on college campuses. You can learn more.

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch with us, the best thing to do is to email us. Try this:
You can also find us on IRC at #openhatch on FreeNode. Click here for web chat.

Further resources

Try Git
The official git book
Git Immersion